Schedule/create first comment for a post


At the same time as you create your post, give the feature to create a first comment also

Requested by Claire Trevien on


definitely need this

Posted by Liz Donlon on

That would be... freaking amazing

Posted by
Steffen Leidicke

AGREEED! Would be amazing.

Posted by
Joël Collin-Demers

This will be powerful. Saw that Supergrow already has this.

Posted by
James Pereira

Heck Yes, where is the "Like button" for this!

Posted by
Arthur Isaksson 🧐

Yes please

Posted by
Peter ODonoghue

Yes, this is a dealbreaker for us

Posted by
Jens Wedin

Came here to add this after realising other platforms have it 🙂

Posted by Andy Whyte on
This comment has been deleted
Posted by Niels Bader on

This is a well needed feature. especially when trying to post links and not wanting to put them in the body of the message

Posted by Oliver Catt on

yes please

Posted by Robyn-Lee Samuels on

Very much needed, Buffer has it.

Posted by Out Of The Timebox on

Has this been implemented? If not when can we expect it?

Taplio, Buffer they all have it.

Posted by Előd Balazs-Engelsen on

Such a powerful thing. One of the main things I am missing and considering to switch to other platform that offers this.

Posted by Saahilo on

Especially useful with the "Link in the comments" pattern that the algorithm is pushing us towards.

Posted by Eric Willeke on

I'm currently setting external reminders for doing this. It would be tremendous if it could be supported out of the box, I'm tired of jumping in between several tools to achieve simple goals.

Any news on a decision on this please?

Posted by Alexandru Toth on