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AuthoredUp 5.3.0 - draft status improvements (plus bug fixes!)

You can now change the draft status manually, from the draft list or details. We have also added another status - "ready to publish" - which helps if you're working with collaborators.

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On top of that, we've released the following fixes:

  • Drafts not getting marked as "submitted" when you publish or schedule a post (this can still potentially happen, but we've nailed one of the reasons why)
  • Hidden posts will no longer show in dashboard stats
  • Restored the missing "delete draft" button in draft details on submitted drafts
  • Improved the reliability of mirroring your company pages and profiles

We are currently on a drive to improve our drafts and address some long standing problems. Expect more draft updates in the coming releases!

And if you have an issue or peeve with drafts, drop it in the thread on LinkedIn.

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AuthoredUp 5.2.4 - improved collection of saved posts and reshares

In this minor release, we have fixed a long standing issue where "reshare with your thoughts" posts wouldn't show up in AuthoredUp until tomorrow. To all of you who sent us tickets - thank you, and sorry it took us so long to figure it out! 😅

We have also improved the way we collect saved posts - they should now get mirrored into AuthoredUp more reliably.

We are aware of the occasional problems with the undo/redo functionality, and are working on a fix.

Finally, you might have noticed we've recently had some server issues, which led to brief outages. Hopefully those are now fixed, and we have introduced measures that will help us avoid them in the future.

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AuthoredUp 5.2.3 - fixes for dashboard activity chart, notices and "Share On LinkedIn" links

In this release, we fix a few more issues:

  • Dashboard activity chart showed activity under wrong dates in certain time zones
  • When people clicked on "Share on LinkedIn" links, AuthoredUp would mess up the link card as it activated
  • "What's new" no longer crashes for not logged in users.
  • Company list sync fixes

We have also made it more clear when extension is updated in the background. Until now, AuthoredUp would just start exhibiting mysterious problems. But from this version onward, you will see a notice, warning you to reload the page, so the new version can be loaded

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AuthoredUp 5.2.2 - draft saving improvements and more

In this release, we have reworked how we save drafts. It should now be faster and more reliable.

This fixes the issue when you click "Continue on LinkedIn" on the platform, and get the wrong content loaded. But we think it might also improve a few long-standing problems, like drafts not getting marked as "submitted" (we are also working on further improvements regarding this feature).

Additional fixes:
• several problems with post collecting
• undo management in the editor
• more reliable profile syncing
• missing not-found pages

We are currently on a bug-fixing roll, so expect more releases like this coming soon. If you have an issue using AuthoredUp, please open a ticket and make sure to send us a debug info, using this guide:

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AuthoredUp 5.2.0 - new preview algorithm, plus a ton of fixes

In this release, we have completely rewritten our preview algorithm to follow the changes on LinkedIn. 💫

You will notice the link now reads "...more" instead of "see more", and it gets placed inline, sometimes at the end of your first sentence, sometimes after 3 lines. AuthoredUp tries to simulate this logic faithfully, so you can craft your hook line with even more confidence.

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We have also removed the tablet preview, as we feel it was only adding clutter and confusion. You should craft your primary hook for mobile, and secondary hook for desktop. AuthoredUp now reflects that.

On top of that, we have included the following fixes:

• LinkedIn changes broke our "edit scheduled post" button. We have fixed the problem and hardened the system against future similar issues.
• Uploaded gif images ended up with wrong dimensions, which caused them to appear too tall in post previews. We have corrected the underlying problem, and are currently correcting the affected images (everything should look fine by tomorrow).
• We've made several smaller improvements to make image preview more faithful. Note that LinkedIn is still experimenting with design, and posts won't look the same for every post reader.
• We have fixed the issue where, while editing a long post, your cursor would go underneath the toolbar and stay hidden there.
• We have corrected several visual glitches and made improvements in the platform's mobile mode.

Follow this guide to update the extension.

One final notice: we are aware of a few additional pending issues:
• Posts sometimes don't get collected
• When you try to "Continue on LinkedIn" after reusing a post, it doesn't open correctly
• Saved Posts sometimes don't get collected immediately

We are working on diagnosing and reproducing these issues. If you've experienced any of them, please try to capture a debug info and send it over via the support, following this guide:

It could really help us resolve your issue quicker. 🙏

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