Linkedin post scheduling


UPDATE 3 (September 4th 2023)

Given that LinkedIn's native scheduling is not good enough and that people experience glitches and bugs, we started to work on our own.

It will contain the calendar view, the best time to post for you, edit scheduled posts (if possible technically) and other tools to help you make the best decisions.

We will probably release it in stages.


UPDATE 2: LinkedIn has its own scheduling and at this stage, we won't build our own.

This can change in the future, but we are rejecting this feature request for now.


UPDATE1: Linkedin will release native scheduling and we will integrate with it.

This is how it will look:


Allow users to schedule a Linkedin post for later.

This would probably be tied to the same screen as drafts. E.g. you would create a draft, then schedule it to be posted later on Linkedin.

You should be able to schedule multiple posts in advance.

Is it enough to have a post later option only for LinkedIn and not other social media, e.g., Twitter?

What about types of posts - text, posts with an image, video, etc.?

Now we support Linkedin posts that contain text and images.

What formats do we need to support?

Requested by AuthoredUp on


Comment from Linkedin "Post scheduling is a strong feature".

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Ivana Todorovic (AuthoredIn)

We can settle for a basic text post scheduling at the beginning🥰

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Khaled Elahmad

For now, we can go ahead with only supported on LinkedIn, later point of time we can discuss supporting multiple platforms eg Linkedin and medium. 
Hope it helps you, Ivan

Posted by Kashif on

Would really add value to my AuthoredIn experience!

I would only need LinkedIn!

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Yes please!! This would save me sooo much angst as I could write two to four pieces ahead of time each week.

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Mike Kabongo

The first thing I was asking myself was if there is a scheduling feature.

I vote YES

And if it supports pdf as well then that would be great

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Please give us an scheduling feature

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something I want as of today.

However, there are some additional thoughts, such as (1) can I also comment with a link near time (2) how do I engage with others before or after my post to increase engagement ... just posting is never enough these days.

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Francisco Serrano Baptista

Scheduling!! 100000000% - I googled "chrome linkedin scheduler" to find you guys. This is exactly what I'm looking for.

Posted by Justin Zim on

Yes! A button that allows you to schedule a day & time would be awesome! However, if and only you can tag! Many schedulers dont let you tag things. I vote yes 100% on this!

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Tom Slocum

This feature will be very welcome for me

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It is very useful to schedule a post.

I would also like to schedule a video. I use his tool the most.

Furthermore, I will be waiting for that, but scheduling a post is fantastic. I will not need more alarms to remember I have to do it.

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Carolina Hurtarte García

+1 for this feature

Posted by Mariano on

This is such a huge bonus just in itself! Just scheduled a post with video.

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This is the feature I will use more! please...

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Antonio Sanchez

I need really PDF and videos. One Rule of Linkedin is for a better reach, that u use all formats in exchange. Other wise u loose reach. A post later Option will be very good fo me at start. Im just able to write in the evening. But in the morning im very early in meetings. So i miss every time my slot for posting in the morning.

Even the problem as a macos and IOS User, to be not able to post on mobile. This is very bad for me, as I need to be always on a station and be not flexible.

This would help very much.

Looking forward to the future of authoredUP!!! Thx to all of you for this easy, time saving tool.

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A calendar view would be VERY helpful for scheduling – it's hard to reschedule posts with LinkedIn's native interface because you have to see when there are openings, and then move all sorts of things around. Drag-and-drop calendar would be a game-changer for me.

Posted by Jenny Wanger on

I also would love to have a scheduler within the authored up directly and seeing the entire calendar. This missing feature will drag me back to Buffer if it's not being added soon.

Posted by Elena on