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4.5.13 - Hot fix for issue with attachment syncing

We have resolved a sudden issue with attachments sometimes not getting sent to LinkedIn.

This was especially prevalent with:

  • Documents / carousels
  • Images pasted into AuthoredUp

Please update to 4.5.13 ASAP. We apologize for the inconvenience.


AuthoredUp 4.5.12 - fixed collecting text posts and reposts

ā€¢ Fixed the regression introduced in 4.5.10 that prevented collection of text posts. Apologies!
ā€¢ When you "repost with thoughts", the target post will no longer disappear from preview when AUP is active
ā€¢ Corrected icon sizes in post preview

Update to the new version following this guide:

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AuthoredUp 4.5.10 - support for the new page posts interface, and a fix for images getting stuck in editor.

LinkedIn has started deploying their new design for company page posts. Instead of a standard feed, you now access company posts via the "Page posts" menu item.

Unfortunately, this new format is completely different than it used to be. It also lacks some of the data AuthoredUp relies on.

Luckily, we managed to recover a lot of the functionality, so collecting company posts should now work again. Note that some of the edge post types will require a click on the post to get the full data (for example, multi-image posts).

We have also corrected a few issues with images not syncing correctly with LinkedIn after you work on multiple posts in a succession.

Update to the new version following this guide:

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Update: drafts getting marked as "submitted" fixed

We have isolated and fixed the issue with drafts getting marked as "submitted" and attached to a wrong post.

We have also made a few additional corrections to how we track scheduled posts.

As these are backend fixes, you don't need to update your extension. Everything should already work better than it used to. šŸ˜šŸ¤ž

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AuthoredUp 4.5.6 - post tracking fixes, visual tweaks and more

This minor release comes with a lot of important fixes and quality of life improvements:

  1. We have corrected a few problems regarding post tracking. We are still testing, but we think it might fix issues regarding your posts not getting updated. Please let us know via customer support if the issues reappear!
  2. We will now let you filter by tags from the drafts that were shared with you on top of your own tags.
  3. On top of design tweaks, tables now have a shortcut to quickly clear filters. This will hopefully make it clearer when some filters are causing some of your data to be hidden. We will continue to iterate on this.
  4. We will now (again) show the correct group logo in post preview
  5. We have fixed a few visual rough edges on the calendar
  6. Organization managers will no longer be shown roles they can't assign to users
  7. We have optimized the size of debug info, so it should now be a few MB at most

NOTE: We are aware of the issue that drafts sometimes get assigned to the wrong post after submitting. We are still working on reproducing it. We will issue a fix as soon as we figure it out.

As always, the easiest way to update is to completely exit your browser and start it again.

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