Setting personal goals with analytics


It would be great if you could set goals in authored up and be able to analyze wich posts contribute the most to these goals.

  • Be more known in your community:
    • Increase reach (impressions)
  • Be likable:
    • Increase reactions (likes)
    • Increase comments
    • Increase of shares
  • More trustworthy:
    • Increase followers

Next step could be that AuthoredUp gives you actual tips based on you history when writing a post that must contribute to a specific goal. For example:

  1. I'd like to create a post to contribute to my goal of increasing reach
  2. Authored up gives me tips on what kind of post i should make
  3. Create the post
  4. Authored up gives you tips on what to include or exclude, based on your personal (or benchmark) history.
Requested by
Daan Wuite